All donations go directly toward the care of the animals.
Monetary gifts are sincerely appreciated.
Ask your employer about matching gifts.
Looking for a special gift for that special someone?
Consider making a donation to Second Chance in her or his honor.
It doesn’t require wrapping and it helps the animals.
Non-monetary donations are also needed:
- High quality dog, puppy, cat, kitten food (dry and canned)
- Cat litter, unscented scoopable
- Litter boxes
- Dog buckle collars
- Cat toys and treats
- Dog toys, cookies, nylabones and rawhides
- Gift Cards from Target, Petco, Fleet Farm, Petsmart
- “Forever” Postal stamps
- Copy paper
- Gas cards

Make a donation through PayPal
by clicking on the button below
PayPal handle: @secondchanceanimalMN

Donate via Mightycause
by clicking on the “Donate Now” button.
Venmo handle: @secondchanceanimalrescueMN

or by check made payable to “Second Chance” and mail to:
Second Chance Animal Rescue
P.O. Box 10533
White Bear Lake, MN 55110-0533
Thank you from all of the rescued animals!
(All gifts are tax deductible)
Please call 651-771-5662 regarding non-monetary donations.
Donate-a-Thundershirt Program
Help Second Chance dogs and cats with fearful and anxious situations. Thundershirt’s gentle, constant pressure has a dramatic calming effect for most dogs if they are anxious, fearful or over-excited. Based on surveys completed by over two thousand customers, over 85% of dogs show significant improvement in symptoms when using Thundershirt. Thundershirt’s gentle pressure works to calm a dog; experts such as Dr. Temple Grandin believe that pressure has a calming effect on the nervous system. Using pressure to relieve anxiety has been a common practice for years.
Please click to donate a Thundershirt for a Second Chance dog or cat. Thank You.
GoodSearch (and Good Shop) donates to Second Chance every time you search (or shop). To get started, be sure to choose “Second Chance Animal Rescue, White Bear Lake, MN” as the group you are searching to donate to. Once you are set up, each time you search (or shop), Second Chance receives a donation.